Have you ever stuck to an idea just because it seemed familiar to you? have you ever loved someone just because you knew him for too long to let him go ?
Life sure is a weird thing. One moment it gives you everything, and the next moment everything changes and you are left with almost nothing. People change, things change , situations change and the only thing that remains constant is 'change' itself. Inspite of being so much unpredictable, life does not come with a how-to-do manual right! It is totally for us to decide what to do and what not to. It is entirely on us to take the right path and to choose the right people for ourselves.
It is time we stop sticking to the familiar only because it apparently seems familiar. It is time to unleash our thoughts and get rid of the pre conceived notions and allow something new to happen to us. It is time we learn to accept.
I have just realised that trying out new things doesn't really hurt.
It makes you happy :-)
there is always a sizzling brownie or a bavarian cookie waiting for you somewhere. You just have to discover it yourself ! :-)